Sunday, April 26, 2009

How do i know if he likes me?

i'm 16 and he's 15 and we run into each others often like at a store or something. but we go to the same church and the same martial arts place. And i always see him looking at me and he always catches me looking at him. But how so i know for sure without asking him? thx

How do i know if he likes me?
ask him =D
Reply:Feelings are iffy. Thoughts are iffy. The best way is to ask, since men don't understand subtle hints.
Reply:Sorry, girlie, but the only way to know your answer is askin' him for it. I'm in the same situation. Only the guy doesn't look at me like, at all and gets jittery when he speaks ot me. Anyway. Just ask him very plainly. Ask him with the same attitude you'd have if you were asking him what's for lunch. "Hey *name*, I kinda like you and I was wondering if you felt the same?" Or, if you wana get to know him before then, ask for his phne number, email address, or IM, "Hey *name*, you gotta phone number/email/IM?" Only ask for one though, if you ask for all three, you'll sound kidna strange, but, if you ask him if he has an IM and he doens't, by all means, move onto askin' about an email address. This is what i'm gonna do withthe guy i like...... *takes in deep breath*.

Good luck!

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